Apartment in Nishiazabu 西麻布の集合住宅




The building comprises 10 rented bachelor apartments and the landlord’s residence. It is situated between a cluster of old timber houses and a recently built tower apartment. Single-person households are often isolated from the neighborhood by steel doors, but we considered an alternative collective form and re-established its presence in the urban context. In order to connect the common area and the exclusively-owned area, we gave each apartment a private terrace (hereafter referred to as “P.T.”) surrounded by a perforated metal screen in front of its entrance. This enabled us to make an open, airy entrance, resulting in dual aspect apartments. The common area in the middle of the building, conceived as a large void, also serves as a light well and air vent to the neighborhood. P.T.’s are positioned three-dimensionally around this void. While the P.T. is a device which creates an adequate sense of distance between the densely-packed apartments, it is also an exterior room with items such as bicycles and plants showcasing each resident’s lifestyle. Such spaces, stacked up three-dimensionally, create a fresh, “porous” urban scenery. This was an attempt to create a continuous environment from the common area to every corner of the apartments, to expand the physically limited living spaces, as well as to smooth out the connection between apartments and the surrounding environment. 

用 途:共同住宅

建 主:個人
設 計:
・構造 中畠敦広+森部康司
・設備 ZO設計室
・外構 GAヤマザキ
施  工:青木工務店


構  造:RC造
階  数:地上4階
住 戸 数:賃貸10戸+オーナー住宅
竣  工:2013.12

写  真:西川公朗



main use:apartment building

site area:259.85m2

building area:156.74m2

total floor area:496.63m2


number of stories:4-stories


photo:Masao Nishikawa