applause azabu 麻布十番の集合住宅




“applause azabu” was an existing, non-compliant apartment building completed in 1978. Although the original commission was to design a new building to replace it, the project turned into a full renovation after discovering that the current building regulations would not allow as much floor space in the new building. The renovated building is as good as new in terms of structure and MEP, with a newly-added elevator following a seismic evaluation and a new facade. The tenant units include an inherited ‘LDK type’, a ‘STUDIO type’ for office use and a ‘SOHO type’ for potential home office use, and are distributed according to orientation and height. Most surrounding buildings have shops on the first floor, and offices and housing on the upper floors. The new street facade, with its fenestration and its narrow intermediary space between the exterior wall and the existing structure, creates a sense of distance from the street appropriate for both housing and office use. Azabu Juban’s charm lies in the amalgamation of old and new, characterized by modest renewals of buildings. Our aim was to follow suit and contribute to that charm.

用 途:共同住宅

建 主:パシ・コム
設 計:
・構造 新日本管財
・設備 ZO設計室

・サイン 氏デザイン

施  工:青木工務店


構  造:RC造
階  数:地上5階

住戸数 :9戸
竣  工:2012.10

写  真:矢野紀行


location:Minato-ku, Tokyo

main use:apartment building

site area:127.7m2

building area:99.9m2

total floor area:445.3m2


number of stories:5-stories


photo:Toshiyuki Yano