Gunma Agricultural Technology Center 群馬県農業技術センター





Gunma Agricultural Technology Center’s new main building and new conference building in Isesaki City house all the agricultural research facilities previously scattered across Gunma Prefecture. The new buildings are required not only to serve the research staff but also to become an open research/educational facility for agricultural producers and consumers. The main design feature is the timber roof covering the entire building. We envisaged people gathering under a large symbolic timber roof, and realized an airy, accessible space for all users. For the roof, we employed a ‘lattice membrane structure’ whereby a membrane-like lattice made of small section timber members span between a steel ridge beam and a steel eaves beam, forming a gently curved, catenary surface. The use of small section timbers in this new structural system increases the possibility of local material procurement and will hopefully help promote the use of timber as a structural material.

用 途:研究所

建 主:群馬県
設 計:
・構造 佐藤淳構造設計事務所
・設備 総合設備計画

・積算 高輪建築コンサルタント

・照明 シリスライティングオフィス

・外構 創和計画

・サイン 氏デザイン

施  工:関東建設工業(本館)、大雄建設(別館)
構  造:木造+鉄骨造
階  数:地上2階
竣  工:2013.1

写  真:矢野紀行



main use:laboratory

site area:123,255m2

building area:1497.43m2(main building)+421.12m2(annex)

total floor area:1969.90(main building)+385.47m2(annex)


number of stories:2-stories


photo:Toshiyuki Yano