The Multistory Office of Steel and Timber 鉄と木の積層オフィス-Sreed EBISU+t
In this project, we made two proposals to develop a new prototype of an urban timber building that could be applied even to small multi-tenant buildings. The first is a hybrid structural system with timber earthquake-resistant frames nested within a steel column-and-beam frame. The timber lattice shell, which resists only seismic forces, can be exposed without a fireproof covering, working as structural and interior elements. Thanks to it, we created workspaces where workers can fully enjoy the spatial value of timberization. Secondly, to break through the formality of office buildings that consist of stacked homogeneous floors, we arranged rich outdoor common spaces along the staircase that runs through the building. Those activate the flow of workers within the building and interaction among them. To generalize urban timber building, we must develop timber spaces that bring abundance and pleasantness to our urban lives like this and install them into cities energetically. (Motoki Yasuhara)
用 途:事務所、店舗
建 主:サッポロ不動産開発
設 計:
担 当:安原幹、日野雅司、栃澤麻利、石井奨人、前田直哉、野口万莉乃
・構 造 佐藤淳構造設計事務所
・設 備 設備計画
・防耐火 桜設計集団
・サイン 氏デザイン
・植 栽 GAヤマザキ
・家 具 インターオフィス
施 工:サンユー建設
構 造:鉄骨造 一部木造
階 数:地上9階
竣 工:2023.1
写 真:吉田誠
location: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
main use: office
site area:103.45m2
building area:80.09m2
total floor area:564.76m2
number of stories:9-stories
photo:Makoto Yoshida